“I have a story for you. It’s full of advantages…
The first is that at the end of the story
it doesn’t finish, it falls into a hole.
And the story starts again
in the middle.
in the middle.
The other advantage, and the biggest,
is that you can change course along the way,
if you let me. If you give me time.” [Lorenzo]
if you let me. If you give me time.” [Lorenzo]
the kids are allright
After the iranian election I watched the media coverage breathlessly for days, stayed up late watching twitter feeds, we changed our avatars to green and set our time zones to tehran time to overwhelm their cyberspying capabilities. A crisis, is, i think always a heady time, as long as your not the one being shot.
Lately, I haven't paid a lot of attention to it. But it occurs to me how very inspiring to see young people willing to sacrifice everything for that elusive thing called freedom.
ISTANBUL, Turkey — As simmering unrest continues to sweep Iran, the country’s opposition is casting about for possible endgames to the ongoing crisis. Frustrated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi proposed a five-point reconciliation plan last week but the government appears unyielding.
ISTANBUL, Turkey — As simmering unrest continues to sweep Iran, the country’s opposition is casting about for possible endgames to the ongoing crisis. Frustrated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi proposed a five-point reconciliation plan last week but the government appears unyielding.
In the struggle currently gripping the streets of the Islamic Republic, an upcoming anniversary could prove significant.
Jan. 16 marks 31 years since the Shah of Iran fled his country, effectively handing victory to the revolution led by Ayatollah Roohollah Khomeini. Green movement activists are hoping the date could once again be the tipping point, this time for Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
And as the anniversary approaches, Tehran isn't the only city to watch. Historical precedent suggests that revolutions can start in provincial cities not thought to be hotbeds rebellious activity.
On Dec. 15, 1989, a disturbance in a small Romanian team led to a massacre that became the long-awaited catalyst for the overthrow of the Ceausescu dynasty, the last Communist regime in Eastern Europe...(continue)

"The way contemporary history is told is like a huge concert where they present all of Beethoven's one hundred thirty-eight opuses one after the other, but actually play just the first eight bars of each. If the same concert were given again in ten years, only the first note of each piece would be played, thus one hundred thirty-eight notes for the whole concert, presented as one continuous melody. And in twenty years, the whole of Beethoven's music would be summed up in a single very long buzzing tone, like the endless sound he heard the first day of his deafness.
"I Feel Beautiful" is a Robin Hitchcok song featured in a 2005 movie I loved called 'Sorry, Haters'
It stars Robin Wright, Sandra O, and an actor from Tunisia with the most amazingly musical name: Abdel-Latif Kechich.
It got alot of bad reviews... mostly about how parts of the plot strain credulity. For me, the ways in which the film goes too far plot-wise are so disturbingly visceral that I thought it worked.
*its in digital video as you will notice
Incidentally, the guy who plays the marimba, Jon Brion, scored films such as Magnolia, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and, I Heart Huckabees. And the guy who sings harmony likes to gently (and somewhat auto-erotically) play his torso... silently.
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